22 Apr
We have 11 kennels which are all in one block with outside runs attached. The kennels are heated with additional infra red heating for the winter. We stock our own dog food both dry and wet, although if preferred you can bring your own. All kennels have their own beds and bedding. There are also […]
11 Jun
The cattery offers a variety of different rooms depending on the amount of cats you have. There are single rooms, doubles and larger rooms for families with more than two cats, we also have a number of flat rooms for older cats who cannot cope with ladders.All the normal cat rooms have raised sleeping areas, […]
22 Apr
Telephone: 0795 037 0522 Email: grooming@oakridefarm.co.uk Prices are dependent on dog breed, size and condition. Prices start from £35 Run by professional experienced groomer Nanette. Appointments to be booked in advance. With prior arrangement, dogs being boarded can be groomed on collection day.
11 Jun
Leave your pet with us for the day knowing they are safe and secure, as well as being exercised. Drop off and pick up are within our regular kennel hours of 09:00-4:30pm. Cost £22 per day.
22 Apr
A great way to keep your dog fit, and lose some weight. Working and sporting dogs maintain optimum condition throughout the winter. Post surgery or injury rehabilitation under your vets direction. Why use a canine hydrotherapy treadmill? Treadmills give the therapist far greater control and visibility of the limb placement and movement. This supports tailored […]
6 Feb
For rent, on a half hourly basis, we have a large enclosed paddock for walking your dogs without meeting other walkers. If you have a dog/s that you prefer to exercise privately away from the general public and other dog walkers, this is ideal. Some of our existing clients who use this facility have dogs […]
21 Jan
Oak Ride Farm Hydrotherapy are delighted to be working alongside Charlotte Duke Physiotherapy. Charlotte is a member of NAVP and specialises in the treatment of companion horses and dogs in the South East of England. She provides physiotherapy to animals in their home environment, but also offers physiotherapy support to hydrotherapy clients at Oak Ride […]